Funeral Services for Brother Darby Yale
Family, Friends and Brethren will gather to attend the Funeral Service and Last Masonic Rites for Brother Yale. Services Will be conducted by Gate City Lodge #2. Refreshments to follow.
If sending flowers, the building will be open to receive delivery until 5:00pm Saturday March 18th as most Florists do not have Sunday Delivery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Masonic Children's Home in his honor.
Time / Date: Sunday March 19th, 2023 at 3PM
Place: Atlanta Masonic Center - Scottish Rite Auditorium
1690 Peachtree ST NW Atlanta, GA 30309
Beloved Brother, Dearest Friend, Devoted Chaplain, you will remain in our hearts forever. “I love you and there ain’t nothing you can do about it.” - Darby